Request for AMA/community discussion

Hey Team,

I wanted to raise this out of an ask on Telegram to keep this topic easily accessible as time passes. To quote the ask:

"Any possibility in the team being able to hold a simple ~1 hour AMA/Community call sometime soon?

A few members have questions regarding the network/tech, with an interest in preparing some informational graphics ahead of launch."

It would be a good chance to align on strategies / goals for 2025 too.



Iā€™m not sure if the community is big enough to have regular AMAs. Participation in our AMAs were low and the community wasnā€™t asking questions other than the same questions over and over.

If the community compiles a list of good questions they have and it reaches a good number weā€™ll have a session to answer them.


That sounds good thanks Pouja, I donā€™t have any pressing questions but hopefully this gets the ball rolling for others that want to reach out


Maybe we can compile a list of questions the team can answer in writing and we have them as a FAQ. This way people could focus in on the questions they have rather than listening through an AMA, and it wonā€™t require more AMAā€™s for the devs to answer the same questions over and over. This is a very technical project and the AMAs may be over the heads of most people, myself included, which is probably why the attendance is so low.


For sure! Iā€™m on board with that. Nothing springs to mind for me right now though

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what is the utility of the coin?

is the roadmap on the site up to date?

will the katana eth used for cex?

what do the katanas even do?

Are more partners involved other than Sworn?
Why is a docusign clone a year behind launch?
What is your vision. How do you want to get to that goal.

Why dln doesnā€™t showcase KNS anymore?

Everything feels so blur, like there is no real direction.
What is the use case for the NFTs and when is the 120k usd from minting them gonna be used to hire a part time community manager, which is needed as we are in crypto somehow.

Regarding community call you say community is not big enough so logic consequence is not big enough so iā€™m going to do nothing to encourage that growth or add any benefit? At last it feels like it! I am asking because I care about the future development of this project.


How much an ā€˜unchainedā€™ network will be faster that the competition. When do you expect people can start to see it emerge publically. What has been achieved in testing so far in terms of benchtests.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

What is the official statement on the investor/customer topic which sparked the latest arguments in the community?

Why was the word ā€œpri.ceā€ a mutable offense, is the discussion of Kenshi token value forbidden only in Telegram or anywhere, and if so, why?

Will any of the recent bans in Official Telegram be reverted or are they permanent?

What is the value of the tokens value to the team, organization and product?

What is the incentive to stake our tokens, both before and after the until the node reward system comes of age?

Can you comment on the statement in TG that ā€œEIP-1559 will probably have something like thatā€ replying to tokens being burnt when used for gas? So basically a tokenomics roadmap alongside the technical roadmap.

Much appreciated! I understand the token and tokenomics side are secondary in the whole project, but hopefully will still normalize in a well organized structure that compliments the whole projects infrastructure and helps attract users and supporters.


What about the progress of this:

ā€œAdvisory agreement: I offered an advisory role to our lawyer and he accepted. Weā€™d need to discuss the terms and onboard him to the team. I will share more details when we make progress.ā€

What is the ETA on the asset transfers?

What about the partnership between Sworn Network, and Timeleap?

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Is running Deepseek on Unchained potentially possible?